Your Guide to Acne Patches

We all know how much it sucks to have an unexpected visitor show up on your face right before a special event.  Usually, your first step in action would be to apply something topical to kill the bacteria and calm the inflammation. However, topical treatments generally tend to over-dry the skin, causing the skin the flake over the pimple and possible scarring. Not very inconspicuous at all.

Exzit Patch Original  

This is where our hydrocolloid patches come in handy because a clean and moist environment is key to expedite the healing process. Once the patch is placed over the zit, it keeps the area moist, resulting in the newly formed skin to be supple, rather than tight and stiff. Hydrocolloid has an amazing ability to absorb oil, pus, dirt, and bacteria from the wound. In addition, having the patch on your zit will prevent the most compulsive zit pickers from picking, which will greatly prevent further bacterial contamination and infection.

To turn things up a notch, we’ve created hydrocolloid patches that also deliver active ingredients into the acne wound. Introducing, our two kinds of hydrocolloid acne patches that contain active ingredients, Exzit Patch+ Hydrocolloid Patches and Undo Zit Micropin Patches. These two acne zapping patches both contain active ingredients that team up to kill acne bacteria, exfoliate, and calm inflammation. When skin is moist, it allows active ingredients to easily penetrate the skin, allowing the skin to better absorb active ingredients.

Exzit Patch+

These patches are perfect for raised zits that have pus inside. The hydrocolloid works to suck out the gunk, while working with active ingredients to calm and shrink the zit.  

Undo Zit Micropin Patches

Undo Zit Micropin Patches are amazing for undoing those early, under-the-skin pimples and stubborn cysts. Since these kinds of blemishes are deep in the skin, the self-dissolving micropins gently penetrate the skin and slowly dissolving the active ingredients to into the core of the zit.

All our products were specifically made and clinically proven to help drastically shrink and undo all different types of zits.  It’s time to stop over-drying irritated zits and press fast-forward on undo. 

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